Water Troughs and Drinkers for Free Stalls
August 31, 2022In order to achieve high milk production, it is necessary to give cows the opportunity to drink as much water as possible. Dairy cows require 4-5 liters of water to produce 1 liter of milk. A dairy cow can drink up to 135 liters of water per day in 6 or 7 visits to the drinker, very often after the distribution of the feed ration or after milking (which explains the importance of locating the drinking points near the feeding table and the exit of the milking parlor.
• Every day, 10 to 12 minutes are spent drinking. One bovine cattle can absorb up to 18 liters per minute, which is why it is so important to choose a drinker supplying the right flow rate.
• A drinker with constant water level allows faster ingestion than a tube or paddle drinker and is preferable for dairy cows with a high need for water. If the flow rate is insufficient, the bovine animal will drink more often (up to 15 times a day).
They can cover a part of their demand by eating fodder. On hot summer days animals may drink up to an additional 150 liters of water, depending on their milk production. On average they drink up to 5 to 8 liters per minute. However, when the cows are extremely thirsty, they manage to drink up to 25 liters per minute. Your water supply equipment will require technology to cover this great demand! Therefore, recommended one drinking trough for up to 15 – 20 animals in free stalls for dairy cows.
The water requirement is influenced by several factors, including pregnancy, lactation, activity, diet, intake, and temperature. For example, a 364 kg heifer at an environmental temperature of 4.4 °C can be expected to consume 23 L per day; at 21°C, this will increase to 34.8 L per day.
After milking, cows take in up to 30 % of their daily water requirements. As a result, it makes sense to offer the animals water in long drinking troughs after having left the milking parlor. Until the herd has settled and arranged their own ranking order again after milking, it can be observed that under these circumstances and only in these moments’ cows are ready to accept other cows to drink simultaneously out of one trough. The farmer has then the choice to install quick drainage troughs,
The distance between each of the troughs should not be more than 15 meters. Please ensure that you allow the animals in each group to have access to at least 2 drinking troughs. For dairy cows we recommend the installation of high-capacity troughs. These will give the animals the opportunity to drink water quickly and in large quantities. In many stalls a combination of space-saving valve troughs and large, voluminous troughs is very reasonable and recommended.
The space saving valve trough water drinkers
Model 480, 490, 500, 520 can be installed in every free stall for dairy cows. Due to the high-output valve a water supply of up to 30 liters per minute can be achieved. Fodder remnants which are carried into the troughs by the animals, are taken in by the animals again. Due to high water supply and the special trough construction lengthy time-consuming cleaning of the troughs can be reduced to a minimum. As the water depth is very low, the fodder pieces cannot settle and the trough is therefore self-cleaning.
Trough drinkers with float valves Model 600 and 620 are preferably installed for animals with anti-suction rings. These troughs also guarantee a very high-water supply of up to 40 liters per minute. When using an additional heating element, the trough drinkers can be kept frost-free at low extra cost.
Trough drinkers or tip-over troughs.
The quick drainage troughs, have a conical and inclined tube and are provided with a large diameter drainage hole. In order to empty or clean the trough the drainage plug is removed: water is directly channeled downwards through drainage tube in a quick way!
The flat tip-over water troughs
Are simply cleaned by tipping them over. In order to provide a sufficient amount of water supply of up to 40 liters per minute, these troughs are equipped with the high-capacity MASTERFLOW float-valve. They are connected to a fixed water pipe. You will find a detailed description of the different frost protection possibilities for each of trough drinkers in the respective product descriptions.
Prerequisite of a high milk production level is an optimal water supply system! Dairy cows have a very pronounced sense of taste! Especially among dairy cows, troughs that do not soil easily and can be quickly cleaned will soon pay off!
Drinkers for free stalls
In order to achieve high milk production it is necessary to give cows the opportunity to drink as much water as possible. Dairy cows require 4- 5 liters of water to produce 1 liter of milk. They can cover a part of their demand by eating fodder. On hot summer days animals may drink up to additional 150 liters of water, depending on their milk production. On average they drink up to 5 to 8 liters per minute. However when the cows are extremely thirsty they manage to drink up to 25 liters per minute and need occurs for good capacity drinkers for free stalls.
Water Troughs and Drinkers for Free Stalls
Prerequisite of a high milk production level is an optimal water supply system! Dairy cows have a very pronounced sense of taste! Especially among dairy cows, good troughs that do not soil easily and can be quickly cleaned will soon pay off!

Your water supply equipment will require technology to cover this great demand! We therefore recommend the installation of one drinking trough for up to 15 – 20 animals in free stalls for dairy cows.
The distance between each of the troughs should not be more than 15 meters. Please ensure that you allow the animals in each group to have access to at least 2 drinking troughs. For dairy cows we recommend the installation of high-capacity troughs. These will give the animals the opportunity to drink water quickly and in large quantities. In many stalls a combination of space-saving valve troughs and large, voluminous troughs is very reasonable and recommended.
It is possible to install space saving valve troughs. Due to high water supply and the special trough construction lengthy time-consuming cleaning of the troughs can be reduced to a minimum. As the water depth is very low, the fodder pieces cannot settle, and the trough is therefore self-cleaning.
Your water supply equipment will require technology to cover this great demand!
We therefore recommend the installation of one drinking trough for up to 15 – 20 animals in free stalls for dairy cows. The distance between each of the troughs should not be more than 15 meters.
Please ensure that you allow the animals in each group to have access to at least 2 drinking troughs. For dairy cows we recommend the installation of SUEVIA high-capacity troughs. These will give the animals the opportunity to drink water quickly and in large quantities. In many stalls a combination of space-saving valve troughs and large, voluminous troughs is very reasonable and recommended.
After milking, cows take in up to 30 % of their daily water requirements. As a result it makes sense to offer the animals water in long drinking troughs after having left the milking parlor. Until the herd has settled and arranged their own ranking order again after milking, it can be observed that under these circumstances and only in these moments the cows are ready to accept other cows to drink simultaneously out of one trough.
Valve trough drinkers
It is possible to install space saving valve troughs Model 500 and 520 in every free stall for dairy cows. Due to the high-output valve a water supply of up to 30 liters per minute can be achieved. Fodder remnants which are carried into the troughs by the animals, are taken in by the animals again. Due to high water supply and the special trough construction lengthy time-consuming cleaning of the troughs can be reduced to a minimum.
Models 600 and 620 are preferably installed for animals with anti-suction rings. These trough drinkers with float valves Due to the high output valve a water supply of up to 40 liters per minute can be achieved. Fodder remnants which are carried into the troughs by the animals, are taken in by the animals again. Special trough construction makes easy cleaning & saves time. Of course, these troughs can also be frost-protected! by using an additional heating element.
As the water depth is very low, the fodder pieces cannot settle and the trough is therefore self-cleaning. Of course, these troughs can also be frost-protected!
These troughs also guarantee a very high-water supply of up to 40 liters per minute. When using an additional heating element, the trough drinkers can be kept frost-free at low extra cost.
Quick drainage troughs drinkers
Quick drainage troughs have a conical and inclined floor and are provided with a large diameter drainage hole. In order to empty or clean the trough the drainage plug is removed: water is directly channeled downwards through drainage tube in a quick way! No ice in front of the trough in winter season!
The farmer has then the choice to install quick draining troughs, Thermo trough drinkers or tip-over troughs. The quick drainage troughs, as well as Thermo troughs have a conical and inclined floor and are provided with a large diameter drainage hole. In order to empty or clean the trough the drainage plug is removed: water is directly channeled downwards through drainage tube in a quick way!
Flat / tip-over troughs drinkers
The Tip-over troughs are simply cleaned by tipping them over. We distinguish between flat tip-over troughs and tip-over troughs. The SUEVIA flat tip-over troughs have a flat drinking tub. In order to provide a sufficient amount of water to the animals, these troughs are equipped with the high-capacity SUEVIA MASTERFLOW float-valve, which enables a water supply of up to 40 liters per minute. They are connected to a fixed water pipe.
Flat tip-over troughs are simply cleaned by tipping them over. In order to provide a sufficient amount of water to the animals, these troughs are equipped with the high-capacity MASTERFLOW float-valve, which enables a water supply of up to 40 liters per minute. They are connected to a fixed water pipe.
For dairy cows we recommend the installation of high-capacity troughs. These will give the animals the opportunity to drink water quickly and in large quantities. In many stalls a combination of space-saving valve troughs and large, voluminous troughs is very reasonable and recommended.
Tip-over troughs have a deeper tub and compensate lower water flow input with a larger water capacity. Connection to the water supply is made by a flexible connecting pipe. You will find a detailed description of the different frost protection possibilities for each of the SUEVIA trough drinkers in the respective product descriptions.