Existing floors in farrowing houses are often slippery and hard.
- With fear of slipping sows get up less
- Decreased feed and water intake
- increased risk of MMA (mastitis-metritisagalactiae syndrome)
- rearing performance gets worse
- Increased crushing losses
- Lying too long in one position increases the risk of shoulder ulcer formation
- inflammations and pain lower sow performance
Farrowing rubber mats or confined sows in farrowing pens
Rubber mats in the lying area contribute to sow well-being and health and are decisive in the economic efficiency of sow keeping. lameness is the third most frequent culling reason and affects fertility and performance negatively
Extremity problems like claw and limb diseases, as well as lameness, are increasingly among the reasons for culling sows in group housing. For group housing to function with high performance animals, sow agility and freedom of movement, together with joint and claw health, are the paramount factors. Conventional concrete floors are too hard and abrasive, especially in the lying area.
• lying down and getting up on hard floors takes effort and negatively affects lying behavior
• joint swelling
• joint and wall horn abrasion during lying
• mechanical weakening of the claw
• injuries are entryways for pathogens, on the joints as well as the coronal edge (paronychia)
• severe lameness to some extent
Product benefits
- stable and hygienic
- versatile and animal friendly
- extremely strong and durable
- Simple mat with no bite-optimized surface
- low-cost wear commodity with limited lifetime (experience: lasts about 6 – 12 months)
- simple installation
- easy to clean and disinfect.
PORCA FIX For confined sows in farrowing pens
- Front area with bite-optimized Protect-surface
- Long lifetime
- Is easy on the sensitive shoulder section
- Reduces the danger of teat injuries
- Improved slip resistance
- Chamfered animal-friendly on all edges
- Cushions piglets’ carpal joints during suckling
- Easy to clean and disinfect
Available in two options:
- PORCA fix D: perforated for drainage in the rear area
- PORCA fix U: not perforated in the rear area
PORCA NEST For the piglet nest
- Rugged and durable
- Good storage and distribution of radiated heat › energy losses are reduced
- Easy to clean and to disinfect
- Easy retrofitting, even on existing grids
- Creates a continuous surface in the piglets’ lying area (EU directive)
- No draught from underneath
- Piglet nest can easily be enlarged when litters are bigger
- As a rule, no fixing required due to mat’s weight (the mat must be unreachable for the sow)
Mats Dimensions for sow houses
Thickness: 20 mm
PORCA fix D (perforated in the rear)
Slit width: 11 mm
Width (a): 65 cm
Total length (b): 120 / 125 cm
Total area (a × b): 0.78 m² / 0.81 m²
Length of unperforated area (c): 74.5 cm / 100.5 cm
Unperforated area (a × c): 0.48 m² / 0.65 m²
Slit percentage: 7 % / 3 %
PORCA fix U (unperforated)
Width × length:
65 cm × 120 cm
Total area: 0.78 m²
Please consult your official vet to check the perforated/unperforated areas, as legal requirements vary.
KRAIBURG warranty
2 years Detailed information about our warranty (taking into account the service life)
- Warranty: 2 years and proven life cycle more than 5 years
- Tolerances : Thickness: +3/-2 mm (except with ca. specifications) Width + length: +/- 1.5% (DIN ISO 3302-1 tolerance class M4)
- Manufactured in Germany
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