Cow Mattresses and Mats

April 27, 2022 0 By Farm Equipment

Mattresses and mats are designed to provide soft and comfortable bedding especially for dairy cows. Cows can produce milk only when they lay. If cows lay more, it means more milk, less injury!

Different types of mats are used for different breeding, race and age of the animals’ sizes. In addition to barn design mats are different for tie stalls, free-stalls and paddocks Also, the softness rates, thickness and comfort features of the mattresses and mats vary, according to the needs and welfare of the animals. Single, puzzle and Long – Line mat models are available as an option for special purposes.

Milk yield based on very simple aspects Cow 50% + Feed 25% + Comfort 15% + Milking 5% + Others 5%

Functional cow mats increase milk yield, how?

  • Cows produce milk only as long as they lie down and for good milk yield, cows & should lie down at intervals of 10-12 hours a day.
  • If the cows are comfortable in their beds, they give approximately 1 liter (2 -3%) extra milk per day, as the bed comfort increases with the bed comfort. This makes about 300 liters per year and the investment made for the mattress pays for itself in a year.
  • How rubber barn mats boost animal welfare and productivity?

KRAIBURG is the world’s top quality 10-year guaranteed cow mats that affect the milk yield and animal comfort, while increasing the bedtime of the animals with soft, comfortable and functional mats.

Functional cow mats are used as bedding

Integrated soft slope

Urine and possibly the leaked milk will run off the mat. This will strongly reduce the infection pressure and consequently minimize the risk of Mastitis. Since the cubicle bed remains all but dry, the savings on litter will be considerable. Less litter and less labor will substantially reduce the costs.

Kraiburg functional cow mats (multiple functions combined)

  1. Self-drying thanks to the drainage slope at the rear 1/3 part
  2. The sides are hard and the middle is soft, so the cow knows exactly where to lie down and where to get support when getting up.
  3. Thanks to the integrated slope, cows don’t get tripped up when they go to bed.
  4. Thanks to the integrated seals under the bed, the under-bed always remains dry and clean.
  5. The surface pattern allows air circulation between the cow and the bedding.
  6. Due to the surface texture, skin diseases, hair loss and joint edema and damage do not occur.
  7. Kraiburg functional cow bedding does not produce bacteria and does not have a structure and surface suitable for bacterial living.
  8. Since the bed surface is covered with a very special material, it does not absorb water and does not require waterproof maintenance,
  9. All commercial detergents can be used for cleaning and disinfection,
  10. There are various bed models in different types and sizes according to the animal type.
  11. If you want to buy back the mattresses with an economic life of at least 40 years for 50% of your purchase price at the end of 10 years, or exchange them for a new or higher model. **

Dairy cattle mats for elevated cubicles

Good animal health right from the start is a fundamental requirement for productive animals.

Cow mat mattresses

Soft rubber flooring joints are being protected, so that standing up and lying down can be performed in a normal way and the animals can develop, fulfilling their needs.

Improved sure-footedness reduces the risk of injuries and animal losses. Our soft yet robust floor covers offer animal-friendly comfort – and this for the long term. It’s our love of detail that makes the products so user-friendly. Comparison table for cow mats softness

Cow Mattresses and Mats

DIN 3763 – uniform standard for cattle house mats with “comfort classes” Products must meet certain standards in terms of durability (e.g., abrasion resistance, acid resistance) and animal welfare (e.g., slip resistance) to be compliant with the DIN standard. The norm furthermore allows manufacturers to assign their mats for lying areas to one of four comfort classes, according to elasticity (deformability in mm, tested for (200 kg/ r= 120 mm)

Softness of cow mattresses and mats

Cows lie down for more than 12 hours a day and their laying areas should be comfortable and soft. A hard bed not only reduces laying time and milk production, but also causes joint ailments and injuries. Softness = amount of stretching is called deformability.

When pressing on the mattress with (200 kg/ r= 120 mm) material, the expected amount of stretching is specified in mm or %. Mattresses with an elongation rate below 42% are considered hard.

  • Comfortable = Elasticity ratio > 50% and above for highly productive animals
  • Comfortable = Elasticity ratio > 40-50% for barns with free stalls
  • Soft = Elasticity ratio > 42-46% for feed and tie, free stalls and paddocks
  • Hard = Elasticity ratio > 25-42% for feed and tie stalls
  • Very Hard = Elasticity ratio < 10-25% walking road floors, it is not recommended to be used as bedding!!

KRAIBURG brings pastures to stalls

More animal welfare & less work! Consistently high milk yield requires animal-friendly housing methods. Regarding the laying areas, this means comfortable, non-slip and clean cubicles in which the cows like to spend more than half the day in a relaxed position. This protects the joints, relieves the claws and thus increases animal welfare. Cow comfort for more animal welfare! Milk can only be produced economically with healthy and comfortable cows. Cows naturally are soft soil walkers and therefore need soft floor conditions. We focus on animal health and comfort and thus the productivity of your animals, in addition to animal welfare. Animal-friendly laying and walking areas are the prerequisite for high milk yield and longevity!

KRAIBURG is the 1st COMPANY who has registered all products for the DLG’s PAH test and passed. As part of the quality seal CONTINUOUS MONITORING, they are regularly tested for this – completely in line with responsible environmental and consumer protection. PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are found everywhere in our environment. Some of them are considered carcinogenic.  “PAH” by DLG Certificate No 2018/ 6890