Goat Milking Clusters

KSh 9,898.22KSh 10,605.23

  • USD: 76.44$ - 81.90$

Goat & Sheep Milking Clusters

A complete set of clusters comprises a claw and two fully assembled cups. The components are two sets of teat shells, liners, short milk tubes, short pulse tubes, the long milk tube and long pulse tubing.

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Goat & Sheep Milking clusters

Carefully selected clusters that suit the milking system for goat and sheep. The animals, and the milkers will help increase milk efficiency and improve animal health. A complete set of clusters comprises a claw and two fully assembled cups. The components are two sets of teat shells, liners, short milk tubes, short pulse tubes, the long milk tube and long pulse tubing. When assessing the ability of clusters to milk out use the following measures:

Assessing cluster performance

Incomplete milking: A problem with incomplete milking exists if more than 20% of quarters contain strip yields (milk remaining) of 250ml or more. If there are consistent differences in strip yields between the same quarters on different animals it usually indicates poor cluster positioning or uneven weight distribution between the two cups.

Liner slip: If clusters and milking machinery are satisfactory, liner slips should not exceed more than 200 animals milked (excluding cows with very bad udder conformation).

Important characteristics of claws include

  • Appropriate weight
  • Unrestricted inlet nipples and claw outlet to allow free flow of milk
  • Good visibility of milk flowing into the claw bowl from each quarter
  • Visibility of milk in the claw bowl to help detect problems and to indicate end of milking
  • Ruggedness in a tough environment
  • Easy to open and maintain
  • Good ‘personal feel and handling characteristics’

Correctly setting up clusters

Clusters that are correctly set up will be easy to put on and take off and will require no intervention from the milker while an animal is being milked. They will also ensure no cluster slip which can compromise teat health and increase the risk of mastitis.

Ensuring the animal and the cluster are aligned results in a good seal between the teat and liner and is essential for even, fast and complete milking.

Cluster alignment

If clusters are attached between the back legs, the long milk and pulse tubes must line up with the animal backbone, with clusters sitting squarely under the udder.

Cluster weight

The weight of commercially available clusters varies from about 1.6 to 3.5kg. The optimum weight with the commonly used liners is in the range of 2.2–2.6kg.

The main benefit of increasing cluster weight is to reduce the amount of milk (strippings) left in the udder when clusters are removed. However, there are disadvantages of increasing the weight of the cluster including increased milker fatigue, slipping and falling of cups, and teat damage.

The choice of an optimum weight usually involves a compromise, a match based on the animal, the type of liner used, and the preferred vacuum setting.

Cluster weight in relation to the vacuum level

The average vacuum level in the claw during the peak flow period of milking should be within the recommended range of 30-34 kPa.

Note: cluster vacuum is not the same as the working vacuum (as per the vacuum gauge) and requires specialist equipment to measure it.

Long milk tube

Uneven weight distribution between the four quarters of an udder is one of the most common causes of incomplete milking, uneven milk-out, and liner slips.

The milking unit should hang squarely on the udder so that cluster weight is evenly distributed across the udder’s halfs. This rarely occurs in practice. Usually, the main culprit is the long milk tube, although udder conformation also has a major influence e.g. 3 titters.

Clusters not hanging evenly on the udder can be because the connecting hoses are too long, too short, twisted, or poorly aligned in relation to the animal.

To ensure the long milk tubes are the correct length cut rubbers to roughly the right length and then trim them during milking.

Short milk tube

A mismatch between the claw inlet and the short milk tube (SMT) can cause partial closure of the short milk tube where it joins the claw.

Flattened or kinked SMTs indicate common errors in matching liners and claws. The liner SMT bores vary from 8-14mm with a corresponding variation in claw nipple size. The same liner model is often produced with two different SMT bores to accommodate different claws.

Seek expert help to ensure the liner, SMT and claw are compatible or restriction to milk flow may occur.

Liner length

The teat cup liner is the only part of the milking machine that comes into contact with the cow’s teat, so it heavily influences milking performance as well as udder and teat health. It’s therefore important that the liner length is correct for the shell.

Milking method. All milking systems are designed, installed and performance-tested with the same professional approach, knowing very well that a system is only as good as its weakest component.

Experienced farmers trust their equipment in milking their cows either on a hot dry summer afternoon or a freezing winter morning.

All milking systems are designed according to ISO Norms ensure comfortable and secure working environment for milkers. Smooth and healthy milking routine for cows and high-quality milk for consumers. Installation and ongoing support are carried out by professional technicians with high quality components.

All milking equipment stocks are available in Kenya and east African market.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 70 × 60 × 90 cm



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